Versatile hand and surface wipes, effective against envelope viruses Clinell Universal Wipes are a Multi-purpose cleaning and disinfection wipe, suitable for a large range of surfaces as well as the...
Blend of two alcohols for a very high performance against viruses within one minute contact time (EN14476) Cleaning and disinfection, two complete actions in one product Effective against bacteria (inc....
Alcohol free, dual action cleaner and disinfectant for alcohol sensitive surfaces. Added surfactants for boosted cleaning performance. Cleaning and disinfection, two complete actions with one product Tub of 200 wipes...
These Sani Cloth Wipes contains 70% alcohol with 200 wipes per canister Sani Cloth 70 are disinfectant sanitising wipes (70% Alcohol) Can be used on non porous surfaces and non...